At Castle Hill Primary School we have a strict uniform policy. The uniform is continually enhanced by pupil input and is supported by all. There is no exception.

Branded uniform is available from Skoolkit in Basingstoke town centre and My Clothing online.

To order through My Clothing please use this link My Clothing Embroidered Uniform and select Castle Hill Primary School.

Non-branded uniform can be found at most supermarkets.

Our preference would be for crested uniform to be worn on significant school occasions. e.g. school photographs.

Please note:

For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear any jewellery. Earrings (including clear holder earrings) must NOT be worn at any time in school and please note that school staff are not permitted to remove earrings. Please read the Uniform/ Personal Belongings Policy below for more details.

Extreme hairstyles are not permitted, we ask that hair is not cut below grade 2 and/or lines or patterns. 

Long hair should be tied back and hair bands, ribbons/bows or ‘scrunchies’ should be plain and in the school colours blue, red or black. Hair bands should not have large flowers or bows attached.

Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school unless for an out of school hours function, for example a school disco.

We also have nearly new uniform available for parents to buy (for a small donation per item) at both the Rooksdown and Greenbank campuses. Please ask in the school office for more information.

Main Uniform

EYFS & KS1: Years R – 2

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • White shirt/blouse, crested polo shirt or plain white polo shirt
  • Navy round neck sweatshirt embroidered with logo
  • Navy fleece jacket embroidered with logo (optional)
  • Dark shoes no fashion shoes or trainers please
  • Tights in navy, grey, red or cream
  • Girls socks white, grey or black and boys socks grey or black – no patterns or bright colours
  • A warm, waterproof/shower resistant coat

KS2: Years 3 – 6

  • Grey trousers or skirt
  • White shirt/blouse, crested polo shirt or plain white polo shirt
  • Navy v-neck sweatshirt embroidered with logo
  • Boys & girls navy blazer embroidered with logo (Strongly recommended)
  • Red and silver striped tie
  • Dark shoes no fashion shoes or trainers please
  • Tights in navy, grey, black or cream
  • Girls socks white, grey or black and Boys socks grey or black – no patterns or bright colours
  • A warm, waterproof/shower resistant coat

Summer Uniform

The Summer uniform is as above, however boys can wear grey shorts and girls can wear light blue gingham summer dresses.

Summer uniform is usually worn in the Summer term and in Autumn 1, up to October half term.

PE Uniform

  • Light blue crested t-shirt
  • Navy shorts (unbranded)
  • Navy or grey tracksuit (unbranded)
  • Plimsoles for indoor work
  • Trainers for outside



Personal Belongings

There are a few items that should not be brought into school for safety reasons. These obviously include things such as matches, knives, personal stereos, jewellery, money, collectable cards, expensive toys or precious items, as well as any other dangerous articles. Electronic equipment, such as mobile phones, smart watches, fitbits and hand held games are not permitted in school (see information below).

The school cannot take responsibility for the loss or damage to any personal items brought into school.
‘Smart’ Watches, Mobile Phones and other electronic devices.


Dear Parents

As agreed by governors and our Student Senate, please be aware that, although we encourage children to wear watches into school, we do not allow your child to wear a ‘smart’ watch, or any watch that has the same functionality as a mobile phone or PC, on the school site.

Additionally, can we remind parents that mobile phones are not permitted in school.  The only exception to this ruling is when it has been agreed that a child is permitted to walk some distance to and from school, and the parent feels that they should have one for contact in an emergency.  In this instance we request that we have this in writing prior to the arrangement commencing, where possible this phone should be a basic model and not a smartphone.  On arrival, the phone should be handed to your child’s class teacher, who will return it at the end of the school day.

Please note: the school accepts no liability for loss or damage while on school premises, and if it has been found that a phone is being used inappropriately on school grounds, it will be confiscated.
Any mobile phone/device/smart watch which is used without the permission of a member of staff will be confiscated and kept in a safe place by the school until appropriate arrangements can be made for the collection of the phone/device/smart watch. The child will be dealt with in accordance with the school behaviour policy.

Under no circumstances should a mobile phone/device/smart watch be used to record still or video images, or to record audio whilst on the school premises.

The above stipulations are part of our safeguarding and child protection protocols and your compliance is requested for the safety and well-being of the whole school community.

Thank you in advance for you support.

Mr J DF Martin - Headmaster

Uniform & Personal Belongings

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