Safeguarding at Castle Hill Primary School

Safeguarding is central to all that we do at Castle Hill Primary School.  Our children have the right to feel safe and cared for, protecting them is everyone’s responsibility.  At Castle Hill Primary we have a duty of care to ensure that everyone in our school community is kept safe from harm.  All the school staff play an important role as they are in a prime position to identify concerns early and provide support for children often preventing concerns from escalating.  They form part of our wider safeguarding structure, day to day, for all our children. 

At Castle Hill Primary we have key teams working collaboratively to bring all aspect of safeguarding together.  The Pastoral and Attendance Teams liaise with external agencies such as Social Services, Early Help Hub, police and Health Care Services to promote the welfare of our children and protect them from harm. 

Mr John DF Martin the Executive Headteacher, teachers and support staff safeguard children's well-being as part of their professional duties.

The best interests of the children will always be our priority. As such, there are times we will need to record, monitor and share information with other agencies. We will share concerns about our pupils with the child’s parents/carers unless we have reason to believe that such a move would not be in the child’s best interest.

All staff wear named lanyards clearly identifying who they are and what they do in school. Visitors (including governors and contractors) have white, red or blue labelled lanyards so they are easily recognised as non-staff member.

Parents and carers also play a role in safeguarding children in the community. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, you should report them to someone who you trust will listen. Parents and children can speak to class teachers in the first instance.  More serious concerns would be shared with the Designated Safeguarding Leads.

If you think a child or young person may be in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise contact Hampshire Children’s Services on 0300 555 1384

The Castle Hill Primary School Safeguarding Team

Ms R Willmouth

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs T Lund

Inclusions Lead and Deputy DSL

Mrs C Thomas

Deputy DSL

Miss N Harding

Deputy DSL

Mrs A Barker

Deputy DSL

Mr C Smith 

Computing and E Safety Lead

Deputy DSL (training Sept 2023)

Filtering Monitoring

Mrs C Mundee

Pastoral Lead and Deputy DSL

Mrs N Paine

Pastoral Lead and Deputy DSL

Mrs L Riordan

Recruitment and Personnel (including Safer Recruitment)

Mrs A Wrigley

Single Central Record Lead

Website Overview and Compliance Lead

Mrs S Hart 

Attendance Tracking Team

Mrs M Fenner

Safeguarding Governor


The DSLs are always on site to provide support for staff to carry out their safeguarding duties.  They also liaise closely with other services such as Children’s Services and Early Help Hub to support children and their families.

Related documents:

  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education Document (KCSIE 2022, updated Sept 2023)
  • KCSIE Summary
  • Acceptable User Policies (several versions including staff, visitors, parents and pupils)
  • Social Media Policy
  • Online Safety Policy
  • Safeguarding Leaflet - Summary of Information (see attached document below)

These documents can be found on our School Policies page.

More information and procedures relating to behaviour and safety can be found on our e-safety and School Policies pages.

Safeguarding Documents

Updated: 18/12/2024 561 KB
Updated: 06/03/2019 441 KB