Hampshire County Council - General Admissions Information

Hampshire County Council is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled primary and secondary schools. The admission and appeal arrangements are determined by the County Council, after statutory consultations.

The County Council will consider first all those applications received by the published deadline. Late applications will be considered after all on-time applications have been fully processed unless exceptional circumstances merit earlier consideration. Letters to parents offering a primary school place will be sent by the County Council.

For the main admission round, all on time preferences will be considered simultaneously and ranked in accordance with the admission criteria. If more than one school can offer a place, the parent’s highest stated preference will be allocated.

If the school is oversubscribed, places will be offered in the priority order. Places for late applications will be allocated using the same criteria.

  •  Admission to Year R/Year 3 - Please note when applying for Year 3 the Education Online Portal says: Castle Hill Primary School in Basingstoke is only recorded under the Rooksdown Campus address, despite Year 3 applications being for the Greenbank Campus.  Please search by school name only. There is NOT a main round admission to Year 3 at the Rooksdown campus, because the children flow through from Year 2 to Year 3 automatically. There is only a main round admission to Year R at the Rooksdown campus.
  •  Admission to in year school places - There are two main reasons for this. You might be moving house or unhappy with your child’s current school.

    You can apply for an in-year place up to four weeks before the place is needed.

Internal Transfers

For any parent or carer wishing to move their child(ren) from one site to another (i.e. from the Greenbank campus to Rooksdown campus), they will need to put their request in writing and mark it for the attention of Castle Hill Primary School Chair of Governors. The case must clearly state the reasons for wanting to have their child transfer from one site to the other. Every internal transfer request will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Please note that there is no right to appeal against the Governing Bodies’ decision, as the child(ren) will be an existing pupil at Castle Hill Primary School.

Please find below a Year 3 Main Round Flow chart including the process for 'Internal Transfers'.

Admission Appeals

To make an admissions appeal please visit Hampshire County Council website for guidance and to view the 'School Admissions Appeals Timetable for Year R & Year 3' - https://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/admissions/guidance/appeals


Updated: 24/03/2025 245 KB
This Admission policy will apply to all admissions from 1st September 2026, including in-year admissions
Updated: 29/04/2024 198 KB
This Admission policy will apply to all admissions from 1st September 2025, including in-year admissions
Updated: 14/03/2023 184 KB
This Admission policy will apply to all admissions from 1st September 2024, including in-year admissions
Updated: 28/05/2018 541 KB
A map showing the catchment areas for each campus of Castle Hill Primary School.
Updated: 28/05/2018 366 KB
A guide for parents/carers and practitioners, published by Hampshire County Council, to help ensure the best possible start to school for Hampshire’s children
Updated: 11/07/2018 195 KB
This is the flow chart describing Main Round Admissions process.

Useful Links

Hampshire 'Find a School'
To enable parents to view mainstream schools in Hampshire with links to the Admissions Team, Ofsted reports etc, please use this link.

School Catchment Area Finder
To identify your catchment school for your home address, please use this link.

Hampshire County Council’s Admissions Website
Please use this link for further information regarding admission to Hampshire Schools.

Hampshire County Council
Please use this link for more information about Hampshire County Council.