If you've visited the beautiful grounds, at both sites, you will know that they already provide an excellent resource for our children. Thanks to Castle Hill's hard work, we've been fortunate to add many amazing areas, including a trim trail, book nooks, sensory garden and developing the Secret Garden. We are continually looking at ways to increase opportunities for Outdoor Learning across the curriculum. To help make our grounds more accessible to the children all-year round, we would now like to add two outdoor classrooms, one per site, to provide a working base for activities. In addition to all the current opportunities, fully-enclosed classrooms would enable classes to spend a whole day based in the grounds.

We estimate that this project will cost in the region of £40,000. This is a lot of money but we plan to apply for some grants and continue to fundraise to make this possible. For Phase 1, we need approximately £20,000 for each cedar classroom and base. To start off our fundraising, we will be holding a Grow a £1 Challenge this year. This will be our first as a whole school and we hope it will be an enjoyable way to raise some of the funds we need. Who knows how many entrepreneurs we will discover during this exciting project!

How does it work?

Both Fundraising Friends have kindly agreed to loan £1 to every child who wants to take part. The £1 coins will be distributed on Friday 14th February 2025 and the children will have 45 days to generate as much income as possible before returning the £1 and the profits on Monday 31st March 2025. During the 45 days, the children can use the £1 and anything else they already own to generate profit, which can be reinvested to generate more income. Funds can be raised individually or children may join together to fundraise then split the profit. Please keep growing your £1. If you raise £10 from your £1 then continue to invest the money into something else.

Some fundraising ideas:

  • Baking - sell to friends and relatives
  • Buy a car sponge and wash a relative's car
  • Creating, making and upcycling - what would others like to buy?
  • Helping - anything age-appropriate, safe and useful!
  • Growing - seeds into plants
  • Recycling - have a clear out and sell toys, books, DVDs or anything owned that's no longer needed
  • Sponsoring - choose a challenge and get sponsors
  • Gaming - charge others an entry fee to play in a competition – electronic or not!