

Greenbank & Rooksdown

KS2 (Yrs 3 - 6)


EYFS/KS1 (Yrs R - 2)

Gates Open 08:35 08:35
Registration 08:45 08:45
Lessons Start 08:50 08:50
Morning Break 15 mins 15 mins
Lunch 50 mins 60 mins

Finish (from September 2024)



Total hours provided in a typical week
(from September 2024)

32 hours 30mins

32 hours 30mins

On arrival, children should go straight to their classroom. Once in school, no child may leave the premises unless signed out at the office, accompanied by a parent or other authorised adult and with the knowledge of the class teacher. 

School Office:

The school office is staffed from 08:15 each morning. Messages about absences can be left on the school answering machine at any time. Please report absences by 09:00 on each day of absence.