Event Poster (see poster below)

Sunday 6th August
11am - 5pm
Hampshire Football Association
 Winklebury Way Basingstoke RG23 8BF

To purchase tickets for the event visit- The Legends of Winklebury Memorial Football Match

Memorial Nomination Form: 30th June Deadline
The below link is to the memorial nomination form, so that parents and children can submit details of local family or friends who have passed, that they would like to have remembered as part of the event. As such the details will be included in the match day programme within the memorial pages and the name of the person being remembered will be read out in a roll call at the event followed by a minute's silence.

Memorial Nomination Form - The Legends of Winklebury

Children’s Competition: 30th June Deadline (see poster below)
Children from the schools in Winklebury have the opportunity to enter a competition with the chance to win a £25 Festival Place voucher and a free family ticket to the memorial football match. To enter the child can submit either a short story (max 500 words), a poem or a poster that highlights what it is about Winklebury that they love.

Closing date for entries is midnight on Friday 30th June and the winner and runners up will be selected within the following week.
All entries will be displayed on the day at the Youth Project building and over the summer at the Willis Museum, which is free entry.

Legends of Winklebury Posters

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