Dear Colleague,
The following Positive Parenting courses are running locally next term.
·Time Out for Parents: The Teenage Years (for parents of 11-16 year olds) in BASINGSTOKE at St Mary’s Church, Goat Kane, Eastrop, RG21 7PZ on Monday evenings from 8th October – seven sessions, 7.30–9.30pm
Facilitators: Philip & Liz Hiorns and Cathy Hawkins – book by email to philiphiorns@doctors.org.uk or ring 01256 464249.
·Time Out for Parents: The Teenage Years (for parents of 11-16 year olds) in HARTLEY WINTNEY at St John’s Church Centre, Fleet Road, RG27 8ED on Thursday evenings from 4th October – seven sessions, 7.30–9.30pm
Facilitators: Ken & June Shorey – book by email to ken@parenting.org.uk or ring 01252 843803. Course flyer with full information attached.
·Time Out for Parents: Handling Anger in the Family in HOOK at the Life Church Centre, Elms Road, RG27 9DX on Thursday evenings from 20th September – four sessions, 7.30-9.30pm
Facilitators: Angie Colebrooke, Rosie Whittle and Louise Taylor – book online at www.lifechurchhook.org/ or ring 01256 762022. Course flyer with full information attached.
·Time Out for Parents: The Primary Years (for parents of 4-11 year olds) at ARBORFIELD GREEN Community Centre, Sheerlands Road, RG2 9ND on Thursday evenings from 4th October – six sessions, 7.45–9.45pm
Facilitator: Alison Green – book online at heartofoakcoaching.co.uk/paren
·Parenting children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in FLEET (Elvetham Heath) at the Church on the Heath, GU51 1HA on Thursday evenings from 27thSeptember – four sessions, 7.30–9.30pm
Facilitator: Diana Wood – book by email to peter.wood3@ntlworld.com or ring 01252 400236.
·Understanding and helping your child with ADHD behaviour in ALTON at ABC Building, Wooteys Campus, GU34 2JA on Thursday evenings from 1st November – four sessions, 7.15-9.15pm
Facilitator: Gill Jacobs – book by email to gill.6ot@gmail.com. Course flyer with full information attached.
With best wishes,
Ken Shorey
Area Coordinator (NE Hampshire)
T: 01252 843803
M: 07931 511849
Positive Parenting