A warm welcome back for the new academic year to all our pupils.
Firstly, a huge thanks for the rock solid support for the school uniform policy. The children look outstanding.
On the theme of outstanding, it was great to hear an Ofsted inspector say he had never come across such firm parental support for a school. Real partnership is the secret to our success and as always if you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can keep on improving, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Also a very warm welcome to any new parents and families who have moved into the area or are just joining us. We hope you quickly get a feel for what is described as a 'village atmosphere' in a school that serves two urban environments.
If you do wish to come in and work in the school, we are always looking for volunteers. Please get in touch with the admin team to discuss any potential opportunities.
We also have two very successful friends of the school organisations who would also welcome new faces. They are a great bunch of people to work with and as always we thank them for their ongoing support.
Breaking news - we start the term with the great result of Gold being maintained in our School Games Award and have just been informed that CHPS has achieved Gold in the School Travel Award.
Lastly, apologies if we can't always spend as much time as we'd like at both schools getting to know each individual family, with some 400+ children and 800+ parents/friends of the school it can be a tad difficult to spend as much as we'd like.
Here's to a good new academic year and a deepening of the partnership that we all really do believe is quite unique.
John DF Martin & the CHPS Team