Friday 14 June - Mufti Day / School Uniform Collection / Tombola/ Donations
There will be a mufti day for all the children. On this day, we welcome donations for the very popular sports day Tombola. Please see below for donation requests for each year group. We are very grateful for all donations. We would also love to collect any uniform you have, and no longer need.
Please make sure it is in a good condition. If you would like to purchase second hand uniform, this will be sold at the Community Summer Fair.
We are also welcoming any unwanted gifts, toys or teddies. Please ensure these have all the parts and are clean.
Donations Requested:
Year R, 1 & 2 - Sweets
Year 3 - Toiletries; Gift Sets, perfumes, candles
Year 4 - Biscuits
Year 5 - Stationery; pens, colouring pencils, notebooks
Year 6 - Drinks
Plus any other unwanted gifts and pre-loved toys and good condition school uniform
Year 3 Bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Please hand to PTPs on the arrival door in the morning
Year 4 Bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Please hand to PTPs on the arrival door in the morning
Year 5 Bottles of toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel,mouthwash, perfumes etc)
Year 6 Stationery (notebooks, colouring books, pencil cases, colouring pencils and pen sets)
GB FF Summer 2 Letter