Our Website

Welcome to our website! If you are unable to find what you are looking for or if anything is unclear please contact our admin team. There is a site map at the top which will give you an overview of the whole site

We try to ensure that all our web links work and they are suitable for children, but cannot be held responsible for the content of external web sites which can be changed without our knowledge or agreement.

Accessibility: Click here for information and advice on how to customise your computer to make websites easier to use.

Other languages: Pages on our website can be viewed in different languages using Google Translate. Choose the language in the dropdown box at the top of the website.

Photographs: The school follows a policy of seeking parents' permission before using images in which individual pupils can be clearly identified. However, no photos should be downloaded from our site without prior permission.

  • Where pupils are named, only their first names are given
  • Where a pupil is named, no photograph of that pupil is displayed
  • Where a photograph is used which shows a pupil, no name is displayed

Viewing and saving documents:  Documents are uploaded to our site in either PDF or Word format: Software needed to view PDF files is available as a free download.  Word Viewer can also be downloaded free.  Word 2010 uses .docx format - if you have an earlier version of Word and cannot open documents in .docx, a free compatibility pack can be downloaded from Microsoft here so that you can view these files.