To The Castle Hill Community
Below is a link to the new Facebook group that has been set up by the Big Draw Campaign organiser this year. I've previously run art workshops for all ages as part of the Big Draw Festival but this year, due to Covid19, it's been shifted online.
I'm sure you're aware of the Big Draw Campaign and it's work to promote drawing across the globe, but this year is different. In their own words:  
"In 2020 The Big Green Draw Festival #ClimateOfChange focuses on the relationship between people, our living environments and eco-systems; highlighting how we live today and the ways in which we do and do not harmonise with nature. The Big Green Draw is eager to help showcase mindsets and actions that proactively support positive symbiosis between people and the Earth. So this is a great year to bring your community together, draw, explore, kick start a new creative you and be part of The World's Biggest community of drawing enthusiasts!"