The below message has come from the Hampshire School Games Organisers.


As part of the School Games Mark May #HSG Daily Challenge activities we are launching a Dance challenge for pupils to get involved in. 

We have produced a Tik Tok Dance that pupils can have a go at reproducing or they can create their own dance to last 30 - 40 seconds maximum.

The music we have chosen is Whitney Houston - Higher Love as it represents hope. In the current climate we wanted to pick music that gave us hope but also that celebrates the fantastic work and commitment of the Key Workers across Hampshire.

upils can share via You Tube or Tik Tok or Instagram or if they prefer via email! Ideally all dances should use the music outlined above. The best Dance produced in each SGO area will be shown as part of the closing ceremony for School Games Mark May. 

 If pupils would like to follow the tutorial that Roni Cheeseman, Dance teacher in Portsmouth, has created it can be found on You Tube using this link.

And the Tik Tok Dance can be found here:

 The Dance challenge is live from 4 May and pupils have 3 weeks to get their entries in! Please can you make sure pupils enter their name, year group and school on the entry so we have all the relevant information we require. All entries should be sent to and received by Friday 22 May 

Dances will be graded on:

The Idea - originality and innovation

The  Performance - Focus, enthusiasm, theatrics and timing

The Movements and use of different actions - travel, jump, turn, gestures, use of different dynamics