Just to remind you there will be a free coffee morning held on Thursday 16th November in the Junior's hall at Greenbank Campus, which is open to all parents and carers. There will be a guest speaker Hayley from the Primary Behaviour Service, who will discuss behaviour, the communication behind it, strategies and other advice for parents. But feel free to just come for the free cake and hot drink!
Parents of children who attend Castle Hill Infants, we extend the invitation to you as well, it would be great to see you there.
We will open doors at 8:45am to start at around 9 am and will wrap up at 10:30am to give the hall back to the pupils! Free refreshments are available. We ask if possible, that you enter the hall via the double doors at the rear of the school.
Little ones are welcome, we will have a small selection of preschool toys for them to play with. We look forward to seeing you there.