Dear Parents/ Carers,
The end of the year is approaching fast, meaning it is time for our Year 6 leavers disco!
The leavers disco will be held on Thursday 13 th July 2022 5pm until 7pm at the Greenbank Campus. Rooksdown Year 6 are more than welcome to join us and it will be a lovely way to end the year as one big year group!
There will be a charge of £2.50 payable for the disco which will include a slice of Dominos Cheese & Tomato Pizza.
To book your ticket go to our PTA Website (You will need to register on the website before being able to purchase)
If you would like to accept the invitation, please complete the Google Form below by Friday 30 th
June and purchase your ticket online.
As well as the Domino’s Pizza, there will be other things we will be selling:
Fizzy drinks
A variety of sweets
If your child has any allergies, please let us know, when prompted on the Google Form. We will also be doing glitter tattoos and will have some other fun activities for the children to get involved with, so we suggest that children require no more than £6 in change to bring with them. Children’s behaviour is normally fantastic at school events. However, if they do get over excited and break the ‘disco rules,’ after our usual polite reminders of expectations, we will phone home and ask for them to be collected.
As usual, children will not be permitted to leave the disco and walk home unaccompanied. So please include the adult’s details of who will be collecting on the Google form when prompted. Collection and drop off will be through the school hall doors, and not via reception.
Many Thanks
The Greenbank Fundraising Friends Team