There will be a non-school uniform day on Friday 9th June (no football kits).
Instead of asking for a monetary contribution, could we ask that the children bring in:
Year Group Contribution for the Fayre:
Year 3 – please fill with sweets or small toys for our Hoopla game (no nuts please) - A sandwich box will be supplied
Year 4 – please fill with sweets or small toys for our Hoopla game (no nuts please) - A sandwich box will be supplied
Year 5 - A ‘bottle’ this could be a bottle of lemonade, sparkling water, wine, bottle of beer (any alcohol donations – please hand to the class teacher)
Year 6 - A ‘bottle’ this could be a bottle of lemonade, sparkling water, wine, bottle of beer (any alcohol donations – please hand to the class teacher)