15 June 2020

Digital Escape Room

Our Key Stage Two pupils were challenged by a Digital Escape Room last week. Just like a real escape room, they had to find the answers to the puzzles to move onto the next puzzle until they reach the end. At the moment, pupils don't know if they got the right answer or not! The answer will be…

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15 June 2020

Superhero Me!

For last week's Friday activities, Year R and KS1 pupils were challenged with creating a digital art piece showing themselves as a super hero using Seesaw. Pupils were also asked to record themselves explaining their superpowers. Below you can see a couple of examples of what was created by our…

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8 June 2020

Clap for Carers Art

Last Friday, pupils were asked to fill in this template to recreate the Clap For Carers which had been happening for the ten weeks previously during the lockdown. We wanted to share with you some of the work done by the pupils so far!

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31 March 2020

Share A Little Happiness Challenge

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14 November 2019

Y1 - Great Fire of London

Earlier this week, our Year 1's created a short news broadcast using Green Screen technology as part of their Great Fire of London topic. Here are their videos:


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30 September 2019

Year 5 Music Makers

Today in Year 5, we've been exploring the iPad app, Garageband! This was the children's first time on the iPads at Greenbank and they enjoyed creating their own music. Check out some of their work below! We've tried to include one example from everyone who was in today so hopefully you can find…

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27 September 2019

Animation Through Google Slides

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19 September 2019

Talk like a Pirate Day

Here are some of the final…

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4 July 2019

Art Week

During our Computing lessons this week, we have also been taking part in Art Week by using various digital art tools to create our own pieces of work.


My Page

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19 June 2019

Egyptian Exhibition Posters

Our Year 3 pupils at Greenbank have been creating posters for a fictional exhibition of Ancient Egyptian artefacts at the British Museum. Click below to view a page with some examples of the work.

Egyptian Exhibition Posters

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22 May 2019

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs - Year 3

Year Three have been reading the True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka. As part of their computing lessons, they have worked on iPads to create backgrounds and filmed themselves reading the story in front of the green screen to enable the creation of the following video:

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