8 June 2022

You're making a difference!

Another payment from easyfundraising raised by our wonderful supporters!

You can sign up to help the school here! https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/castlehillsch/

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17 March 2022

National Online Safety

Teaching children about online dangers is essential. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children. 

We are therefore delighted to announce that Castle Hill Primary School have shown our commitment to protecting our pupils online…

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15 March 2022

Guinness World Record Holders!

CHPS were one of the 7479 schools and  the 606,049 enteries, helping Royal Mail secure the Guinness World record title for the largest postage stamp design competition.

The competition was open to Uk school children to mark the important role played by key workers and frontline staff during the…

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